Fauna of Lake Simtustus Res0rt

Enjoy beautiful wildlife, high desert vistas, fresh air, peace, and quiet where horses roam freely. Deer, elk, bighorn sheep, mountain goats, and antelopes run wild.

Wild Horses of Warm Springs

Wild Horses of Warm Springs

How long horses have grazed in the Warm Springs Herd Management Area (HMA) is unknown. It is known that local ranchers have produced horses since the turn of the century. The herd was first gathered in 1976. Within this herd are included a few donkeys and the occasional mule. The horses range in color from the blue and red road to palomino, buckskin, sorrel, brown, bay, and several pintos.

Donkeys are generally gray and dark brown. Horses range in size from 14.2 to 15.2 hands (1.42 - 1.57 meters) and weigh 1,000 to 1,200 pounds. A majority of horses have physical characteristics of the domestic saddle horse variety. Generally, they are heavier-muscled horses with good dispositions. The genetic analysis determined similarity with Old World Iberian breeds followed by North American Gaited Breeds.

Columbian Black Tailed Deer

Columbian Black Tailed Deer

Odocoileus hemionus columbianus

Nearly a dozen subspecies of "Odocoileus hemionus" are recognized. Two of these occur in Oregon- the mule deer and Columbian black-tailed deer, often called "black-tailed deer."

The mule deer is larger, lighter in color, and often associated with more open habitats. In contrast, the black-tailed deer is smaller and darker and frequents dense, early seral forest communities. The most distinguishing feature of the black-tailed deer is the tail. Although not as long or wide as the whitetail, it is much larger than the mule deer.

Because of the differences in size, color, markings, ecology, and behavior and the voluminous information available for the two races, we decided to treat them separately. Nevertheless, despite these differences, the races readily integrate and produce offspring.

The pelage of the Columbian black-tailed deer is dark reddish-brown, the face is brownish rather than grayish or white, the rump patch is small and does not extend much beyond the tail, and the tail is brownish or black dorsally, white ventrally. The hooves of males are significantly longer than those of females among adults and significantly broader.

Oregon`s black-tail deer occur west of the Cascade Range. They tend to be secretive and rely on stealth or concealment rather than speed to escape. Activity periods are influenced strongly by temperature.

Photo by Ronald French


Cervus elaphus

The elk is the largest cervid in Oregon. These heavy-bodied, deer-like mammals have narrow faces tapering to a naked nose pad; relatively small, pointed ears; a heavily maned neck; a back slightly humped at the shoulders, a contrasting rump patch; and a small tail. Pelage color is grayish brown to reddish brown, somewhat lighter among males in winter. The mane is dark brown, and the rump patch and tail are cream-colored. The underparts (except for a whitish patch between the hind legs) and legs are dark brown to almost blackish.

Adult females, their current offspring, and their female offspring of the previous year form herds that tend to remain within relatively small and distinct areas. Nevertheless, there is considerable overlap in areas used by adjacent herds and considerable exchange of individuals among adjacent herds. An older female usually provides leadership of these herds with offspring, but other females with offspring sometimes assume leadership duties.

Male elk, especially the larger ones, tend to be solitary most of the year; however, during May and June, when antler growth is rapid, males, including larger ones, sometimes form herds. The antlers become polished in July, at which time activity increases as males search for untended females or those tended by less formidable males.

In Oregon, elk occur throughout the state but are most abundant in the Blue and Wallowa Mountains and the northern Coast Range and least abundant in the southeastern High Desert region. Two of the six recognized races of elk occur in Oregon: Rocky Mountain elk east of the Cascade Range and Roosevelt elk west of the Cascade Range. The former is slightly smaller and lighter colored; it has more slender but longer, less webbed, and more spreading antlers than the latter.

Elk are also known as `Wapiti.`

Photo by ODFW
Pronghorn Antelope

Pronghorn Antelope

Antilocapra americana

The pronghorn, often called "antelope," is deer-sized with relatively long and thin legs and feet with just two digits on each foot, a relatively small tail, and unique horns consisting of deciduous keratin sheaths set on bony cores arising from the frontal bones. Among males, the laterally flattened sheaths are long, branched, and recurved, but they are short and simple in those females that possess horns.

The horns and hooves are black. The front feet are larger and carry the most weight when the pronghorn runs. The pelage is course. The dorsum is light buff and is separated sharply from the white of the venter that extends high on the sides. Other markings include contrasting black and white throat patches, a black posterior to the nose pad, a white rump patch, and a short, dark-brown mane on the nape.

Pronghorns rely on their excellent eyesight and great speed for protection from potential enemies. The ability of pronghorns to discern something new in their environment or detect movement is truly phenomenal. They are intensely curious, commonly scrutinizing any new activity in their area.

They may be active throughout the 24 hours but sleep in catnaps at any time. In winter, pronghorns associate in bands or herds, sometimes numbering 50 or more individuals. The herd is the basic social unit and tends to maintain the same membership. A linear social hierarchy based on age and body mass develops within herds, with adult males at the top, adult females, and young. Large dominant males commence to defend territories in late winter or early spring; bachelor males may be tolerated for as much as a month longer but only afterward in mid-autumn.

Pronghorn are established in much of eastern Oregon. They are usually considered denizens of open plains. Still, in Oregon, broad areas dominated by big sagebrush and intermittent lakes form the primary habitats.

Photo from ODFW
Mule Deer

Mule Deer

Odocoileus hemionus hemionus

The mule deer is the largest member of the genus in Oregon. The ears are long, the metatarsal gland is surrounded by hairs similar in color but considerably longer than those on the remainder of the metatarsus, and the tail is short and constricted basally.

Among adult males, the antlers are dichotomously branched with tines of roughly equal length. In winter, the primary fur color is cinnamon buff. The chest is nearly black at the midline, grading to grayish on the sides. The nose, sides of the face, chin, and throat are whitish to pale buff. Spots of black occur immediately posterior to the nose pad and on the chin midway along the lower lip. The belly and inside of the legs are whitish to tannish. A white rump patch encircles a white tail with a black tip. In summer, the pelage is more reddish-brown, and the markings are less contrasting and more subdued. Many mule deer exhibit sufficient differences in color and markings to be recognized individually.

Mule deer occur throughout Oregon east of the Cascade Range, and in summer, they range into the Cascades- the deer rest by lying on their chests and bellies with legs tucked under. Mule deer can detect danger at long range; when it is detected, they may hide, move away stealthily, or flee.

Mule deer are gregarious; they form groups of as many as 24, but over 60 percent of groups consist of fewer than five individuals. Except during the reproductive season, most groups consist either of males or of adult females, their young-of-the-year, and female young of previous years. Females tend to remain near natal areas, but males, upon becoming independent, often disperse. Among males, dominant individuals usually are those that possess the largest antlers.

In many regions of Oregon, mule deer summer on ranges at higher elevations, then move to lower elevations to spend the winter.

Photo by Nick Myatt, ODFW
Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat

Oreamnos americanus

The mountain goat is a stockily built bovid with black scimitar-shaped horns, large black hooves, prominent dewclaws, and an entirely white, wooly pelage. Sometimes, the fur contains scattered brown hairs on the back and rump. A long beard, pointed ears, and a squarish muzzle is also characteristic. Males have longer, larger, and more evenly curved horns than females.

Mountain goats are residents of high altitudes, remote, and barren regions capable of moving through rugged and steep terrain with speed and agility. Nevertheless, mountain goats are known to fall occasionally, at which point they spread their legs and slide to a stop; by doing so, they often survive bad falls.

Mountain goats shift altitude seasonally and seek the shelter of timbered areas to avoid deep snow; nevertheless, windswept ridges, blown free of snow, often are used in winter. They do not seem to seek shelter from strong winds, however. Unlike mountain sheep, mountain goats` bed at dusk and do not move at night.

The stiletto-like horns of mountain goats can be lethal weapons; however, most agonistic social interactions develop beyond intense threat displays. Even when shows fail to elicit the intended submissive response and actual fights ensue, most blows are directed toward the haunches because interacting goats align paralleled, head to opponent`s rear. As partial protection from stab wounds, a `rump shield` of thick skin covers males` posterior flanks and brisket. Adult males, although most heavily armed and armored, are least predisposed to fight, resulting in a social system in which they are subordinate to females and yearlings.

Photo by Pat Matthews, ODFW
Big Horn Sheep

Big Horn Sheep

Ovis canadensis

The bighorn sheep is a medium-sized, predominantly brownish bovid with a white rump patch, muzzle, center, and rear portion of the legs. The tail is blackish-brown on the exposed surface, and the hooves have a rubber-like pad that facilitates negotiating rocky terrain. The ears are small and pointed. Both sexes are equipped with horns; the male horns are massive and spiral outward, whereas those of females are relatively thin, recurved, and primarily directed upward and posteriorly. Horn growth reflects nutritional status.

Bighorn sheep can move with speed and agility through the steep terrain they live in. Except immediately before and during the rut, they associate in groups consisting either of three-year-old males or older adult females and immatures of both sexes. Strong dominance relationships are maintained in groups of males but are weaker in groups of females and immatures. Among males, horn size, body size, and fighting ability determine social status, but among females, characteristics that determine class are less noticeable.

In Oregon, bighorn sheep occur in Baker, Gilliam, Grant, Harney, Lake, Malheur, Sherman, and Wallowa counties. Requisite components of bighorn sheep habitat are visibility, escape terrain, and abundant continuous forage. Open areas on rocky slopes, ridges, rimrocks, cliffs, and canyon walls with adjacent grasslands or meadows, but few trees provide those requisites and form the primary habitat of this species.

Photo by Nick Myatt, ODFW
Western Small-Footed Myotis

Western Small-Footed Myotis

Myotis ciliolabrum

The Western small-footed myotis is among the smaller bats in Oregon and is brown to pale yellow with black ears and a black mask across its eyes and nose.

It lives in dry climates, especially cliffs and rocks, and forages back and forth along the face of cliffs. It hibernates in caves and mines from November through February.

In Oregon, the species only occurs east of the Cascade Range.

Photo by Michael Durham
Canyon Bat

Canyon Bat

Parastrellus hesperus

The canyon bat weighs less than one-quarter of an ounce! Its fur is a pale yellow to brownish-gray with a dark face mask.

It lives in eastern Oregon, likes rocky canyons and outcrops, and flies early in the evening when it feeds on swarms of flying insects.

Photo by Michael Durham
Pygmy Short-Horned Lizard

Pygmy Short-Horned Lizard

Phrynosoma douglasii

The pygmy short-horned lizard occurs in sagebrush deserts, juniper woodlands, and open coniferous forests. It prefers open areas with sandy soils but is also found on rocky soil.

Ants comprise a large part of the diet, but beetles, caterpillars, spiders, and sowbugs are also eaten. This lizard burrows into the soil when inactive.

Photo by Dave Budeau, ODFW
Side-Blotched Lizard

Side-Blotched Lizard

Uta stansburiana

The side-blotched lizard is found in sagebrush, juniper, and shade scale habitats. It is often found on sandy bottoms of washes or canyons, especially in the presence of scattered rocks.

This small lizard feeds mainly on smaller invertebrates such as spiders, mites, ticks, sowbugs, beetles, flies, ants, and small grasshoppers.

Photo by J. Maughn, Flickr